New products on show

Culling, induction loading and dynamic belt loading

Körber’s VarioPick has consistently demonstrated its ability to quickly and reliably sort out non-conveyables and perform format and volume splits in the field.

VarioPick can now handle even more tasks. It can automatically load inductions by picking items from a bulk stream and placing them on an infeed belt as singulated parcels. Furthermore, the robot can perform dynamic belt loading, placing items on a belt moving at up to 1m/s and filling gaps or cells.

The solution, which will be on display at Körber’s booth, operates with an AI-based recognition system, an advanced control system and innovative gripper technology. It is highly adaptable and can be easily trained to meet customers’ varying needs.

Deep learning enables VarioPick to precisely identify an object’s shape, size, packaging material and position. This information is also used to determine the optimal gripping point of an item.

Booth: 12.312

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